Just drop and get all icon assets

Generate assets for multiple devices

iConAssets – Easiest way to generate icons assets for iOS, OS X (including icns file), tvOS, WatchOS and Android. Just Drag and Drop icon file in app and your icons will be generated for all selected platforms with single click.

IconAssets - Preview


Drag and Drop "AppIcon.appiconset" in xcode assets and it's Done.

icon & Assets helps designers, developers and project managers make and resize icons for iOS, tvOS, OS X, WatchOS and Android apps. It is an icon resizer which optimizes your app icon designs automatically, and
generates icons of all sizes you need before you submit your applications
to app stores.

iConAssets – Easiest way to generate icons assets for iOS, OS X (including icns file), tvOS, WatchOS and Android. Just Drag and Drop icon file in app and your icons will be generated for all selected platforms with single click.

Also generates icns and iTunesArtWork images as well. Drag and Drop “AppIcon.appiconset” in xcode assets and it’s Done.


It is an icon resizer which optimizes your app icon designs automatically, and generates icons of all sizes you need before you submit your applications to app stores.

Easily Generate Icon

Only three easy steps (drag, drop and save) to generate icons in all sizes.

Support Various OS

Get icons for multiple platforms at once i.e. iOS, tvOS, OS X, Android, WatchOS

Provide High Quality

We also provide a best quality of icons in different OS

Just drop & get

Just drag & drop your png or jpg icon and get your all icon with high quality

Save your own Directory

Just drag & drop your png or jpg icon and get your all icon with high quality

Create Dummy Icon

Use color picker to generate dummy icon and use it in your app

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